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israel extreme tours 

Hike on Mount Arbel and the tomb of Jethro

Hike on Mount Arbel and the tomb of Jethro

Tomb of Jethro: A visit to the grave of Moses’s father-in-law, is a totally new experience .It is the holiest spot on earth for the Druze faith , located  next to the Horns of Hittim , west of Tiberias. Every year on April 25 Druze faithful gather here to celebrate their faith. The Druze community is proud to be an inseparable part of modern Israeli society , including service in the IDF, and extend  warm hospitality to their Jewish brethren.

On this hike we will also asccend to the top of Mount Arbel, for a magnificent view over the Golan Heights, the Sea of Galilee, the Galilee itself, Tiberias, Safed and Moutn Miron. The site is known in history as the “Cave Fortress” where the Jewish rebels against the Roman Empire excavated caves for hiding and shelter.

Hiking options include a walk around the top of this nature reserve, a steep descent ( at some points with ladders!) to reach the Arbel Eye water springs. First and Second Temple era ruins are spread throughout the reserve.

Length of activity: 3 to 5 hours

Guide for both tours for up to 5 participants: NIS 2785

Each additonal participant between 6 and 10 in total: NIS187

A guide is required for every 10 participants.

Please note: rates will differ for Saturday and holiday bookings

This activity is operated by Israel Extreme which specializes in designing and implementing tailor made adventure tours. Our tours are designed to suit individuals, couples, families and groups of all ages and levels of experience. From day tours to company retreats, every detail is addressed. We will rappel over impressive cliffs, climb mountains, crawl through caves and wade across streams… Israel Extreme offers an exclusive and wide variety of activities and tours in over 50 locations, most of  them unknown to the general public and off the beaten track. Our instructors have been carefully selected for their experience, service orientation, patience and passion for the activities. They are fully certified to lead adventure tours which include rappelling, rock climbing, caving and more. Many of them are veterans of select IDF combat units. All speak fluent Hebrew and English! Israel Extreme prides itself on impeccable levels of service and quality. All the equipment used is the most advanced both in quality and technology .



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